Seabreeze Medical PA – Case Study
Seabreeze Medical PA
– Case Study
![Seabreeze Medical PA | Digital Marketing for Doctors Seabreeze Medical PA | Digital Marketing for Doctors](
“Spark truly impressed us with their marketing expertise! In just three weeks, our revenue increased by an impressive $5,700. The Spark team’s dedication, creativity, and top-tier customer support really make them stand out.”
![Seabreeze Medical PA | Digital Marketing for Doctors Seabreeze Medical PA | Digital Marketing for Doctors](
“Spark truly impressed us with their marketing expertise! In just three weeks, our revenue increased by an impressive $5,700. The Spark team’s dedication, creativity, and top-tier customer support really make them stand out.”
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Internal Medicine
Neptune Beach, FL
3 months
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Internal Medicine
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Neptune Beach, FL
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3 months
Seabreeze Medical, a renowned Internal Medicine Practice, reached out to us with a specific aim: to draw in a wave of new patients in a highly competitive area. The Seabreeze Medical team was in search of a full suite of marketing services to boost brand awareness, promote their new services, and strengthen their online presence. Our team quickly provided a customized set of solutions, setting Seabreeze Medical on a path to success.
![Seabreeze Medical PA Website | Digital Marketing for Doctors Seabreeze Medical PA Website | Digital Marketing for Doctors](
![Seabreeze Medical PA Website | Digital Marketing for Doctors Seabreeze Medical PA Website | Digital Marketing for Doctors](
Seabreeze Medical, a renowned Internal Medicine Practice, reached out to us with a specific aim: to draw in a wave of new patients in a highly competitive area. The Seabreeze Medical team was in search of a full suite of marketing services to boost brand awareness, promote their new services, and strengthen their online presence. Our team quickly provided a customized set of solutions, setting Seabreeze Medical on a path to success.
![Seabreeze Medical PA Emsculpt NEO| Digital Marketing for Doctors Seabreeze Medical PA Emsculpt NEO| Digital Marketing for Doctors](
We took a comprehensive approach to address the requirements of Seabreeze Medical. By running a focused social media campaign on Facebook and Instagram, we showcased their Emsculpt Neo and Emface devices. Our initiatives were additionally reinforced with SparkConnect, our in-house AI-driven platform for Patient Acquisition and Retention, which streamlined the follow-up procedures.
![Seabreeze Medical PA Emsculpt NEO| Digital Marketing for Doctors Seabreeze Medical PA Emsculpt NEO| Digital Marketing for Doctors](
We took a comprehensive approach to address the requirements of Seabreeze Medical. By running a focused social media campaign on Facebook and Instagram, we showcased their Emsculpt Neo and Emface devices. Our initiatives were additionally reinforced with SparkConnect, our in-house AI-driven platform for Patient Acquisition and Retention, which streamlined the follow-up procedures.
Seabreeze experienced immediate results from day one, with a substantial increase in customer inquiries and appointments, surpassing their previous records. The targeted digital marketing campaigns effectively reached their ideal clientele. Our efforts resulted in a remarkable boost in conversion rates, with a significant percentage of leads turning into loyal, recurrent customers.
![Seabreeze Medical PA Emface | Digital Marketing for Doctors Seabreeze Medical PA Emface | Digital Marketing for Doctors](
![Seabreeze Medical PA Emface | Digital Marketing for Doctors Seabreeze Medical PA Emface | Digital Marketing for Doctors](
Seabreeze experienced immediate results from day one, with a substantial increase in customer inquiries and appointments, surpassing their previous records. The targeted digital marketing campaigns effectively reached their ideal clientele. Our efforts resulted in a remarkable boost in conversion rates, with a significant percentage of leads turning into loyal, recurrent customers.
![Seabreeze Medical PA | Digital Marketing for Doctors Seabreeze Medical PA | Digital Marketing for Doctors](
Social Media Lead Generation, SparkConnect, and Website
3 months
100+ leads in the first 2 months
![Seabreeze Medical PA | Digital Marketing for Doctors Seabreeze Medical PA | Digital Marketing for Doctors](
Social Media Lead Generation, SparkConnect, and Website
3 months
100+ leads in the first 2 months